Monday, January 14, 2008

My Favorite Animals; The Puffin

Puffins are one of the cutest birds in the Polar regions.

Observing the Puffin
The Puffin is a stout bird with a seemingly big head. It has a short tale, white breast and sheeks with a black back and outline. They are almost a foot long in an upright posture standing up. They have a broad, colorful, striped beak during summer for mating. They can swim and fly. Both male and female show off their beaks to one another during mating. They tend to perch on cliff sides hit spontaniously by waves all over the Atlantic. They mainly eat eel and have a friendly composition in their environment.
How I Feel About The Puffin
Puffins are comical in apearance. Whenever I see one, it kinda reminds me of a clown. It has a cute deposition and looks like a friendly animal. I think the Puffin is neat not only because of their colorful bills, but the fact that they can swim and fly. One day I decided to make a cartoon Puffin for my 2-D Animation class. His name was Perry Puffin. He is a clumsy fello that loves to swim! He is also shy and happy. my favorite thing about them is their eyes; they have small, red eyes with two black triangular shapes around it which also add to their funny apearance. I think they are funny and make perfect cartoon charectures.

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