Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pets or Raisonettes?

When I was younger I used to go through pets like kids go through a bag of chocolate covered raisins.

My first ever pet was a kitten named Felix. He was black and white with a white streaked nose. I thought he was a nice kitten but whenever I played with him under the table he would hiss at me, then I didn't like him as much. One day my mother told me he ran away, and I was upset. I then asked how she knew and she told me she saw the kitten run away by these kids who liked him then picked him up. I was sad for only a little while, then got over it.

Then I asked for a pet iguana (I don't know what I was thinking!) for xmas. When Xmas came there he was in a present with holes in it. I named him Rex because he had spikes on his head that reminded me of a tyranosaurus. He was a beutiful lizard. He had a green body with spikes along his back and head like a dinosaur. He also had a long, whip like tail that had black stripes on it. His head was light green mixed with turquise. He also had a neck flap with spikes on it that flaired out like a flag whenever he was scared and happy. He was a cute little thing, then something bad axidentally happened. five hours later, my sister was playing with her barbie doll in front of me while I was holding Rex. We never noticed it, but Rex's long claw got caught on her barbie's hair and she threw it in our toy box and along he went with it! I nearly freaked when I noticed he was out of my hand. I thought he was a goner for shure! But when I got him out of the toybox he seemed okay, that is everything ucsept his leg. His leg was fractured! I was so upset I thought I would never be happy again. I then showed my dad and he made him a little bandage. After that I begged him to take him to the vet but he said he couldnt afford it. My lizard lived for a while after that incident until I had to give him away.

One day my dad bought a pet python. He was so small yet lazy for a snake. Every time we tried to feed him a mouse he wouldn't eat it so we thought he wasn't hungry. Then one day I was playing with him on the floor to see if he would slither, and instead he started choking to death. I freaked out and started to scream. Then when he stopped moving around he died. I was so upset, he was such a beautiful snake. When we took him back the lady said he must have choked on a rat at the pet shop before we bought him. I was so sad.

I remember when me and my sister used to have these two lizards in our bedroom. For some reason her's always lived and mine always died. Her lizard was named Gonzo and mine was named Greeny Leeny. Everything was fine with my lizard until he got sick and died. I still think he either ate something bad, or it could have been that orange juice he drank from my fallen cup... or maybe it was because I gave him a bath with soap. Either way he was gone and there was nothing I could have done but get another lizard. Poor little guy.

After a while my parents stopped buying me pet lizards.

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